Invite Susan to Speak
Take Care of Your Temple
Susan speaks to Christian groups about eating God’s foods and not the food manufacturer’s. When you take care of your Temple, you can fulfill your God-given mission.
Let’s Get Healthy
Susan will teach how to obtain ultimate health through proper nutrition. She reviews her diet described her pamphlet, Eat to Live with a Low-Carbohydrate, Low-Glycemic, Anti-Inflammatory Diet. Better food choices including eating fresh, raw foods versus food out of a box or bag is emphasized. Susan includes a program of how to make sure your gut (intestinal flora) is healthy. She believes if your gut is healthy, you can be healthy!
How to Prevent, Improve, and Reverse Alzheimer’s and Dementia
Susan reviews 24 therapeutic interventions which were clinically effective in improving these devastating diseases of the brain. One of the interventions, a low-glycemic, low grain, anti-inflammatory diet is explained. Yoga and meditation is another important therapeutic modality.
Walk in Jesus’ Shoes
Susan shares the life of Jesus through photographs of the places He lived, preached and died. Photographs are from a tour of Israel that Susan took with Perry Stone in 2013.
The Lord’s Appointed Feasts
This fascinating talk reviews the seven feasts or festivals that God gave to His people. Susan reveals how four of these feasts were fulfilled when Jesus came to earth the first time, and how the last three will be fulfilled when Jesus returns again!
God’s Mighty Angels
Angels are God’s messengers and He sends them to help those who receive salvation. The Bible reveals many of the mysteries surrounding angels.
The Tabernacle
Susan will walk you through the Old Testament Tabernacle. The altar, laver, bread, menorah, incense, and Ark of the Covenant. An explanation as to how fulfills every aspect of the Tabernacle is provided. Also, we are God’s priests who are to spread the Word of God.
Anxiety versus God’s Peace
Susan examines Scripture about anxiety and fear so participants can receive God’s peace.
The Fruit of the Spirit & How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit
Each Fruit of the Spirit is examined and five steps on how to be filled with the Holy Spirit is presented.
Angelic Visitations Surrounding the Birth of Christ
Susan investigates the eight angelic visitations which occurred at this time in history. This would be a great topic around Christmas time.
In this session, we explore different aspects of prayer. We look at the “when, where, and how” of prayer illustrated through Bible verses and stories. Prayer is more powerful than we can imagine. This presentation will help your prayer life.
Binding the Strong Man
This is a five-step program for overcoming addiction. Whether that addiction is to food, cigarettes, drugs or alcohol.
Contact the Scripture Yoga Instructor, Susan Neal
Email Susan
To schedule Susan to speak at your event please email her at:
Author Bio
Susan has a Master’s of Health Science as well as Business Administration from the University of Florida. She is a Registered Nurse and worked at Shands Hospital (RN), Mayo Clinic Jacksonville (Assistant Administrator), and Blue Cross Blue Shield (Quality Assurance Nurse). Susan practiced yoga since 1983 and began teaching in 1994. Susan began teaching Scripture Yoga in 2004. She is a certified Sports Yoga instructor with the National Endurance & Sports Training Association (NESTA).
Susan has over 30 years’ experience in practicing and teaching yoga. As a pursuer of ultimate health, Susan merged her practice of yoga with her spiritual practice of Christianity. Founder of Scripture Yoga™, Susan recites theme-based Scripture verses during her yoga classes.
She published two books, Scripture Yoga: 21 Bible Lessons for Christian Yoga Classes and Yoga for Beginners: 60 Basic Yoga Poses for Flexibility, Stress Relief, and Inner Peace; plus, two sets of Scripture Yoga Decks, “How to Receive God’s Peace” and “Fruit of the Spirit” and two Christian yoga DVDs, God’s Mighty Angels and What the Bible Says About Prayer.
Susan is a speaker and enjoys teaching Scripture Yoga™ sessions at women’s retreats, Christian conferences, and yoga retreats. If you would like Susan to lead a yoga class at your retreat, please contact her at SusanNeal@Bellsouth.net.
Since 2004, Susan has taught a free Scripture Yoga class every Friday at 9 am at Woodbine United Methodist Church in Pace, Florida.
Her two digital products Eat to Live with a Low-Carbohydrate, Low-Glycemic, Anti-Inflammatory Diet, and How to Prevent, Improve, and Reverse Alzheimer’s and Dementia are great resources for attaining optimal health. She also produced a Hospice C.D., Bedside Encouragement: When You Don’t Know How to Say Goodbye.
She is a member of Word Weavers International, has been interviewed on Moody Radio, Blog Talk Radio, and Premier Christian Radio from the UK. Susan is a contributor the Christians Practicing Yoga website. To find out more click on this link: http://www.christianspracticingyoga.com/susan-neal/
Scripture Yoga™Class (Christian Yoga Class)
InLine Fitness
5628 Woodbine Road
Pace, Florida 32571 (Near Pensacola)
(850) 995-7770
Friday Mornings 10:00 am-11:15 am in The Studio.
Christian yoga classes are free
Susan’s Testimony
As a small child, my earliest memories include my family going to church in our small town every Sunday. My father took me to confession for the very first time at the tender age of seven. My dad told me that I could have a personal relationship with Jesus. He explained that I could talk to Jesus just like a friend. In my childlike understanding, I knew that Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sins so that I might have eternal life.
As a young girl, I would go out to the woods and talk to God about my problems, and feel God’s peace. However, college life led me astray, and I became distant from the Lord. After marriage, my husband and I had our first child, so we started searching for a church. We found a delightful church in our community and after a year I participated in my first Bible study. This was the first time I ever read the Bible for myself (versus just listening to it read to me during a church service). I couldn’t believe all the information God had given to His people, including me. It was incredible! God’s Word began to change me from the inside out (Romans 12:2).
Prior to this, telling little white lies, cheating, and even stealing (letting an item go by a cashier when it wasn’t scanned) was ok for me. These sins didn’t seem to matter before I read God’s Word. However, after reading the Bible, I realized how wrong these sins were and began to change my behavior. This was a slow process that occurred over several years, but God was tender and gentle with me during this transitional time.
In 2000, a significant event occurred in my life during my first Women’s Retreat. On the first night of the retreat, I felt like crying, but I didn’t want to cry in front of everyone. The second night, I broke down and cried anyway. Through my tears, I asked God to mold me and use me to play beautiful music for Him. Then I felt God come down from heaven and wrap His spiritual arms around me, and I was BORN AGAIN! It was a spiritual birth where my body became indwelled by the Holy Spirit. Now my spirit can relate to God’s Spirit (John 4:24). This experience and confirmation through God’s Word has assured me that I am saved.
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